
Frequently Asked Questions

If the item you receive is incorrect, please contact Customer Care at immediately, including photo of order and incorrect item so we can organise return and refund or replacement immediately.

We encourage all customers to check their orders on delivery for any faults. Should you find any, please contact Customer Care at immediately, including photo of order and faulty item so we can organise return and refund or replacement immediately.

Please be aware that we are unable to take responsibility for any faults that may be a result of transit and will take every precaution (extra packaging etc.) to ensure this does not happen.

Similarly, we are unable to accept responsibility for faults in any items after 30 days where the fault could have been caused by improper care or personal error. This will be assessed on a case by case basis and resolved to the best of our ability.

For our international customers the 30 days begins from date of delivery.

Please Note:

If you are shipping an item over $75 you should consider using a track-able shipping service or purchase shipping insurance. We cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item.